Thursday 17 May 2012

Unit X

Glossop (2012)

I really enjoyed Unit X, because it was full of talks, shows and course trips. It had a more practical side to the course in general and to creativity. In one instance were making kites. Glossop flying machines course trip was especially exciting, because course members were able to fly the kites they have made in the kite workshop. Everybody prepared for it very well, studying the structure of a kite and how it flies while using a number of creative ideas in the design of the structure. At the end of the trip everyone was impressed by the Dadaist play and by Interactive Arts students' songs. During Unit X I have learned more about art, developed my creative skills and gained more experience working in a group of talented people. I have joined a film club where I have discovered a lot of new artists and directors I wouldn't have found out elsewhere. In the club we discussed their work and interpreted them. I have discovered how important it is to discuss art in order to understand its meaning. 

My drawings throughout the year in Interactive Arts at MMU

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The very first animation - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

First 3D image attempts (Fake project)

For this personal project I had decided to create a computer generated image that would represent a real person speaking, changing facial emotions. I wanted my 3D model to be able to speak and have a conversation with people. I think the output of my project was very successful, because I have learned new computer skills, used different medias and created an interesting visual effect. I had done several different inductions, tutorials and went to animation talks to learn more about how a computer image is created. I had put all of my effort and time into this project to make the person look real, but the overall finished work still looked like a cartoon to remind the viewer that it is just an image.